Vinyasa All Levels


Vinyasa All Levels

What is Vinyasa Yoga?

Vinyasa is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘to step or place in a special way’. It refers to moving from where you are now to where you want to go. Vinyasa is a thoughtful process that helps take you to the next step.

Vinyasa increases skill in action. By paying specific attention to each step, you become more precise, deliberate, and purposeful instead of feeling scattered. Vinyasa yoga classes help you become centred.

Vinyasa yoga classes increase mindfulness. During Vinyasa practice, wholeness is created by flowing with the breath and consciously linking the breath to the movement. The breath starts just before the move, initiating it, and the movement finishes just before the end of the breath. Thus the breath envelops the movement. This practice of attentiveness and awareness leads to Meditation in Motion.

The breathing techniques practised during Tamara Yoga Vinyasa protect you from injury and strain and ensure you are practising yoga in a right way for your body.

During your practice, you’ll learn how to become wholly immersed in your practice. Vinyasa is an intelligent progression of yoga postures, and each prepares your body for the depth and intensity of the ones to come. The order of the poses prepares your body to go progressively deeper by warming and opening in a logical sequence of increasing intensity.

Vinyasa is engaging. It’s not always the same, and each class is unique. The practice flows without stops and starts. For the course duration, yoga is continuous, and the transition is as important as the pose. Focus is maintained on smooth, even breathing, a steady, gentle focus of the eyes, Drishti, and the Bandhas. This increases present moment awareness and develops concentration.

One of the many benefits of Vinyasa is that it can be personalised. Our friendly team will take you through step-by-step and teach you how to get the most out of your yoga practice.

Daily Vinyasa classes available at our Claremont, Bibra Lake and Online studios.

yoga namaste scaled 2025